Friday, December 7, 2007

PDF Comics

So: while everyone got their comics completed on deadline, several folks did not get them printed in time for our exchange on December 5th. The links below will download PDF comics of each person's work. Please be sure to download and read each one before the crit Friday.

I recommend taking a page of your notebook or sketchbook and jot down notes about each person's comic (whether in PDF or printed form) as you read. Bring it with you to critiques so that we have a basis to start from. Otherwise it's likely you'll forget all about the subtle panel transitions and wording choices you meant to comment on, and that'd make for a pretty lackluster discussion on our last day.

So - without further ado, I bring you:

* Mary Zolp's "The Little White Bird"
* Dann Tincher's "Mann Versus"
* Ernest Kim's untitled (Skulltastic) comic
* Chris Nania's "Death in Vegas"
* Matt Litwin's Scrollable Comic and here the Page-by-Page Version
* Bryan Underhill's Death of a Mariachi
* Rebecca Bach's "The Real True Story of How the Easter Bunny Came to Be"

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pitch Packets and Parfaits

Hi all,
Comics artist and Loaded Blanks publisher Ezra Claytan Daniels has generously offered up this link to the Pitch Packet he talked about during his class visit last week. Not sure what a cover letter should look like? Wondering about the difference between a synopsis and a preview? He's laid out his own examples here, which you can use as a model to put together your own comics pitch for publishers. Just don't try to plagiarize -- publishers will recognize straightaway if you've copied parts of someone else's ideas or phrasing.

On another note, here's a brilliant packaging idea from the publisher of Parfait, the hand-bound zine/artist book edition by Brooklyn-based Emily Larned. Sell one version of your publication for cheap, and another with some handmade, limited-edition freebie attached (in this case an "electric animal" in customized packaging) and charge a little more. This also works for covers - you can make a cheapie version with xerox only, and a limited-edition run with silkscreened covers. That way everyone gets to enjoy the content, and those willing to pay a little extra for your time can appreciate it as an art object.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Annwyn's Comic

Click this link to read Annwn Kohlmoos' final comic in PDF format. I suggest printing a copy if at all possible... otherwise there will be a lot of looking over shoulders.

As you read everyone's comics, I suggest again that you take down notes, so that we can get the most out of our discussion on Friday. How are the pacing and transitions working? Does the aesthetic of the drawing complement the content? Is the dialogue consistent, or believeable? Jot down your thoughts on each and bring 'em with you to critiques.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Here's Nick's webvideo comic, for all to see. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Publishing Resources

In class, we talked about self-publishing options and the importance of making your book look appealing without costing you a fortune.

If you're looking for colored vellum or fancy paper options, Paper Source, located across from Pearl on Chicago Ave. is a great place to start. Most of their papers are in the 8.5" x 11" range and can be run through computer printers. They also carry a wide range of rubber stamps, bookbinding supplies, and other useful things

There are several sites that can give you the basic gist of DIY screenprinting. Here are two of my favorites. I can also give you advice if you're having trouble:
USS Catastrophe Guide to Screenprinting for Comics
No Media Kings Guide to Printing Posters + Shirts
Head to Chicago Silkscreen on Milwaukee Ave. for all the supplies you'll need.

this Make: Magazine Video lacks some specifics, but is a great introduction to basic screenprinting (also shows you how to make a wolf jacket with light-up eyes!):

Print on Demand
Another option is to use a print-on-demand publisher like, which will allow you to print books as fancy as you like, but never pay for them. How does this work? You have to be fairly computer-savvy, but you just upload your work to the site, specify cover, paper, and layout options, and the company makes individual copies as people order them. They even have printing options specifically for comics!

The downside to this system is that it costs more to print than it would if you're printing in bulk, which means you'll need to charge more and earn less. If you want your book to be available for browsing in shops like Chicago Comics, you'll have to front the cash to print your own copies. Also, they'll try to convince you that you'll need their special "Comics Creator" software, which costs $30.