Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chicago Comics Artists

Chicago is a hotbed of amazing comics activity, and not surprisingly many communities have formed as a result. Some have formed into official groups, and others just hang out informally and draw in coffee shops together. Not a bad plan! Here are just a few Chicago-based artists and groups:

I know I'm forgetting some, so if you've got any to add, drop me a note and I'll add them to this post!

Chicago Comics Communities

The Holy Consumption:
Paul Hornschemeier, Anders Nilsen, Jeffrey Brown and John Hankiewicz
Click "This Week's Service" for sketchbook views, special projects, and more!

Shortpants Press:
a small-press comics site co-run by Chicago comics artist Sarah Becan. Showcases work by other midwest comics artists including Grant Reynolds, who co-runs the newspaper "Skeleton News" (not much of a web-presence for that one, but worth getting involved with!)

The myspace page for a whole slew of great area artists: Lilli Carre, Grant Reynolds, Becca Taylor, Lucy Knisley, and many more. Very inclusive group, also affiliated with the "Skeleton News," a paper-only publication with numerous contributors.

Chicago Comics and Quimby's Bookstore
both places where you can find a wide range of independent and foreign comics and other interesting small-press publications, as well as sell your own. Comics signings, zine events, and discounts for anyone who sells their work through the shops.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Comic Art Battles

Attention all comics artists who secretly harbor fantasies of being rock stars: Ezra Claytan Daniels' famous Comic Art Battles now have a website, so you can get involved. Find out about upcoming battles, contact members of the CAB community, view video footage of past showdowns, and check out others' photos of these fabulous multimedia events. I can't recommend them highly enough, as a participant and/or audience member. The very pinnacle of performative, competitive, collaborative, narrative drawing.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Whatever Happened to Victorine Meurent?

Former Narrative Ink student Victoria Morris has officially published her final comic, a graphic biography of legendary French artist/muse/model Victorine Meurent online for all to see. Check it out HERE.

Interested in other approaches to historical/biographical comics?
Try these:
Chester Brown's Louis Riel
Osamu Tezuka's Buddha
Ho Che Anderson's King
Art Spiegelman's Maus
and if you speak basic French (or Italian), Marco Corona's Frida Kahlo: A Surreal Biography is well worth seeking out.