Chicago is a hotbed of amazing comics activity, and not surprisingly many communities have formed as a result. Some have formed into official groups, and others just hang out informally and draw in coffee shops together. Not a bad plan! Here are just a few Chicago-based artists and groups:
Chicago Artists You Should Know About
Lilli Carre
Anders Nilsen
Jeremy Tinder
Becca Taylor
Paul Hornschemeier
Ezra Claytan-Daniels
Sarah Becan
Grant Reynolds
Surabhi Ghosh
Eric Lebofsky
Jeffrey Brown
Lucy Knisley
Onsmith Jeremi
Chris Ware
Ivan Brunetti
Lynda Barry
I know I'm forgetting some, so if you've got any to add, drop me a note and I'll add them to this post!
Chicago Comics Communities
The Holy Consumption:
Paul Hornschemeier, Anders Nilsen, Jeffrey Brown and John Hankiewicz
Click "This Week's Service" for sketchbook views, special projects, and more!
Shortpants Press:
a small-press comics site co-run by Chicago comics artist Sarah Becan. Showcases work by other midwest comics artists including Grant Reynolds, who co-runs the newspaper "Skeleton News" (not much of a web-presence for that one, but worth getting involved with!)
The myspace page for a whole slew of great area artists: Lilli Carre, Grant Reynolds, Becca Taylor, Lucy Knisley, and many more. Very inclusive group, also affiliated with the "Skeleton News," a paper-only publication with numerous contributors.
Chicago Comics and Quimby's Bookstore
both places where you can find a wide range of independent and foreign comics and other interesting small-press publications, as well as sell your own. Comics signings, zine events, and discounts for anyone who sells their work through the shops.