Thursday, May 6, 2010

Need a Diagram in your Comic Book?

helpful little images of different diagrams. I thought it would be a lot easier to find them, but not so much

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Jamie McKelvie - Comic Book Layout Tutorial

Hey guys,

In response to the handout on comic print output, I revisited a certain ImagineFX workshop tutorial focusing on comic book layout by Jamie McKelvie, author of Suburban Glamour. This free download workshop shows his techniques - from his uses of references to converting to CMYK. Enjoy!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

hey class,

I wanted to share a really nice resource for the following sorts of visuals:
"Books~~Illustrations~~Science~~History~~Visual Materia Obscura~~Eclectic Bookart."

it's like a blog version of the library image collections.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Potluck Crit Party

Here's the list of what everyone's signed up to bring for our last comics class:
Chad - cups + plates
Ellis - coffee + creamer
Christa - orange juice
Lisa - fruit (grapes +/or strawberries)
David - bagels + cream cheese
KD - donuts
Izzy - potatoes (?)
Nat - pigs in a blanket
Joe - chips
Mercedes - deviled eggs / pastry roll (?)
Nace - taffy apple pizza!

"coworker potluck" image courtesy of

interactive inkiness on the web

So, probably I shouldn't be offering you all a digital diversion from finals, but this interactive flash site is all about letting loose your inky aspirations. Maybe a good way to loosen up and enjoy the unpredictability of the material (yes, ironic, since it's all digital). Takes a few minutes for the site to load, but totally worth it. Once you're done you can replay your own drawing/music video. Good times. Here's the LINK.